Federal Correctional Complex
Beaumont, TX
Repair Storm Hurricane Electrical
Project Location: Beaumont, TX
Government Agency: Federal Bureau of Prisons
Contract Number: 15B50219CU6E50025
Prime contractor: 100% self-performed
Completion Date: 9/30/2019
Transformer Size: 300KVA and 500KVA
Switchgear Amperage: 1600A
Primary Voltage of Transformer: 13800V
Contract Amount: $227,775.00
Scope of Work
The work took place within the Medium Institution of the correctional facility. The Midwest Electrical Construction Inc. team raised transformer #1, transformer #2, sectionalizer #1, and sectionalizer #2. New 15KV circuits were run from the Remote Utility Building located outside the institution, to the raised Sectionalizer’s and then to the adjacent Sectionalizers. New circuits were run from the Remote Utility Building to the Transformers and then to the Electrical rooms located in Unicor Bldg. Electrical Room and the VT Electrical Room. All applicable Terminations and testing per the latest NEC & NETA electrical standards were included in the scope of the project.
MEC replaced the following:
2 parallel circuit from the Remote Utility Building to Sectionalizer #1 Conductor Size #2 15KV Approx. 600 feet.
2 parallel circuit from the Remote Utility Building to Sectionalizer #2 Conductor Size #2 15KV Approx. 600 feet.
2 parallel circuit from Sectionalizer #1 to adjacent Sectionalizer Conductor Size #2 15KV Approx. 800 feet.
2 parallel circuit from Sectionalizer #2 to adjacent Sectionalizer Conductor Size #2 15KV Approx. 700 feet.
one circuit from Sectionalizer #1 to Primary Transformer Conductor Size #2 15KV Approx. 400 feet.
one circuit from Sectionalizer #2 to Transformer Primary Conductor Size #2 15KV Approx. 500 feet.
2 parallel circuit from Transformer to panel M-HNSDMA-UNI Conductor Size #500mcm Approx. 1200 feet.
2 parallel circuit from Transformer to panel MHNP32A-VT-BMA Conductor Size #500mcm Approx. 550 feet.
We also installed New Galvanized Metal stands and placed them on existing concrete slabs to accommodate the sectionalizers and transformers.