Vermont Air National Guard
Burlington, VT
Repair Base Electrical Distribution
Government Agency: United States Air National Guard
Prime Contractor - Self Performed
Completion Date: In Progress
Contract Amount: $2,789,706.32
Scope of Work
The VTANG Electrical Distribution Project involves work specifically required to allow for the existing VTANG-owned medium-voltage electrical distribution system to be connected to Green Mountain Power's (GMP) new 7,200/12,470V circuit and work associated with upgrading certain deficiencies within the medium-voltage electrical system. These deficiencies include medium-voltage equipment used for isolating circuits located within underground vaults, lack of adequate spare conduits along many portions of the medium-voltage distribution system, many cables being near the end of their designed life, corrosion of some underground equipment, and means to isolate portions of the system without entering manholes or without having to de-energize transformers. Any medium-voltage cables older than 20-25 years, including all connectors, were replaced. Roughly 6,000 linear feet of medium-voltage concrete encased duct bank was installed throughout the entire Air Base.